It’s been back-to-back events as of late, with one of the most recent ones being the IoT Tech Expo Europe taking place in Amsterdam. The event only took place on the 23rd and 24th of November but there were plenty of interesting speakers, so we were kept very busy. This time, we took a quick trip over to Amsterdam where we were able to meet hundreds of other fantastic startups and like-minded experts. Earlier this year, the world leading IoT event series also held a virtual event in North America, plus another physical event in London. These events brought together key industries from across the globe for two days of top-level content and discussion across 4 co-located events covering topics such as IoT, cyber security, cloud, blockchain, AI and big data.
Some of the attendees for the event include CTOs, CIOs, CEOs, Heads of Innovation and Technology, IT Directors, Developers, Start-Up’s, OEM’s, Government, Automotive, Operators, Technology Providers, Investors, VCs and many more.
Over the course of the 2 days, we explored the Expo grounds, meeting other businesses such as Elementa, Check Point Software and more. It was an excellent opportunity to network with like-minded businesses, find out what projects are in the pipeline and to spread brand awareness about the wonderful Cloudoki family and the API Suite.
There were countless interesting topics discussed over the two days, emerging technologies, IoT, A.I. and the blockchain all being key pillars of the event. Listening to speakers like Ethan Pierse from Borderless Ventures was a brilliant opportunity to learn more about the blockchain, NFTs and where things are going to evolve in the next couple of years.

Attending meaningful events such as this one, learning and sharing experiences with others and being a part of a strong ecosystem can all help you overcome the odds and create a successful path for your firm, whether it be a startup or a fortune 500 company. It’s always a busy couple of days, and it never feels like we have enough time to see everyone but thankfully we were able to gain some great insights into the world of technology.
However, one of our most memorable highlights happened at the end of the first day, at the World Bulk Wine Exhibition (#WBWE), where our very own Koen Betsens able to enjoy a lovely glass or two! It was certainly something that was well needed after walking around and socializing for hours.

Thankfully this wasn’t the last event of 2021, with Slush Helsinki and Fintech happening this week, and both Cloudoki and API Suite attending these events, providing us with even more fantastic opportunities to spread awareness of our brands, connect with even more tech experts and learn more about the tech development space. Stay tuned on our social media accounts where will be keeping you all updated with any major developments and what we learned from other experts and speakers.
A big thank you to IoT Tech Expo, it was a fantastic event. Both Cloudoki and API Suite can’t wait to attend next year’s event!
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